Holiday Declutter

The holidays are in full throttle and it is hard to believe it’s the end of the year. This year has had a lot of ups and downs to say the least but we’ve made it to December, the most wonderful time of the year. As you maneuver shopping for presents during Covid, trying to find time for all you need to do while you work a full time job, and taking care of your family and yourself, it can be very stressful. How do you declutter during the holidays and prepare to move forward into 2021?

First you have to admit that the holidays have become too focused on stuff. The sales for Christmas stuff starts in early November. The stores send big books of stuff to make you think you need to buy more stuff. So what do you do? You go shopping all over the place – in person and online –  in hopes of getting the right stuff for all the ones you love. Now there is nothing wrong with presents; I love presents. One of my love languages is gifts. However, there is a problem with having too much stuff that you don’t use or wear.

So in an effort to declutter during the holidays, I am making an effort to declutter my stuff and focus on the people I love versus stuff. We participated in a used toy drive at church this past weekend and I told my kids in order to get new things, they need to get rid of old things that they don’t use anymore or have outgrown. This same principle can be applied to me and you. What things do you have in your life that don’t serve you anymore or have you outgrown? 

“We are used to cleaning the outside house, but the most important house to clean is yourself – your own house – which we never do.” Marina Abramovic

There is no reason to carry dead weight into 2021! A cleanse is good for the soul and an important step in preparing yourself for what is in store for you in the new year. There are three categories of things to declutter before the new year: 

  1. Items in your home – There are so many items in your home that need to be decluttered during the holidays. The two biggest are toys and clothes. I put a box out every year and tell my kids to fill it up with things they have barely played with all year. I also like to go through clothes to see what can be donated and what should be thrown away. One year I filled up 8 bags of clothes and shoes to be donated; most of the items were things that were hardly worn. It not only helps you downsize, you are able to give to someone in need during the holidays.
  1. Your relationships – Anyone that is a negative influence or toxic does not need to go with you into the new year. If people aren’t really for you or moving in the direction you are going, they must go. This also includes your social media friends; non work-related groups that you have obligations with, or even family and close friends.  Any relationship that is not moving you toward being a better person is clutter in your life.
  1. Your mindset –  Old thoughts and ways of thinking that keep you down or keep you from moving forward should be left in 2020. Sidney Madwed says, “ If constructive thoughts are planted positive outcomes will be the result. Plant the seeds of failure and failure will follow.” Let go of the past and eliminate the negative talk in your life.

A holiday declutter can be a refreshing experience. Out with the old, and in with the new! Happiness is a freshly cleaned house. You are the house. Take some time during the holidays to declutter the items in your home, your relationships, and your mindset. End the year with a house ready to take in new beginnings and find ways to enjoy the people you love without all the clutter.

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