Do you have sisters? Sisters you can count on to be there for you and vice versa? Sisters you can call on a bad day or in an emergency. Sisters you can pray with about something in your life.
Everyone needs a sister in their life. A tribe to help them through this thing we called life. Someone to laugh and cry with. Someone who listens and gives good advice. Someone whom they can share good and bad times. A friend that is like family. Isadora James says, “A sister is a gift to the heart, a friend to the spirit, a golden thread to the meaning of life.”
Sisterhood is powerful. Sisterhood motivates and encourages a woman to be their best. Sisters can help you make difficult decisions or have the courage to try something new. When women band together there is nothing we can’t do. We are the backbones of families and working organizations. We are the fastest growing segment in business ownership in the United States.
Sisterhood is emotional. Sisters don’t have to be related to you by blood. Some of my closest sisters are friends that I have met along the way in my life and they are family to me. There is a connection or bond that cannot be broken when you find a sister. We can go weeks without talking and pick right up where we left off. We belong together.
Sisterhood is good for your overall health. Sisters lessen the stress in one’s life. You don’t feel like you must do it all or bear it all when you have a sister. Sisters bring joy and happiness even on your down days. They help you see the rainbow after the storm or the silver lining in the clouds.

So, if sisterhood is so important how do we organize our friendships and make sure we form the connections we should and become the sister we want others to be to us?
First, find your tribe. Now this might seem like a no-brainer but finding your tribe is not always easy. We all have associates but a true friend that you can call a sister does not come every day. There are qualities in a sister that everyone doesn’t possess. Being able to decipher who is for you and who is not can be hard. A real sister is loyal, trustworthy, compassionate, understanding, and there for you when others are nowhere to be found. Evaluate your circle and identify your tribe.
Next, we must make time for our sisters. I know everyone is busy with their own lives, schedules, families, plans, etc. However, we must make stop making excuses for not checking on each other. Connecting with our sisters must be a priority. To have a good friend, you must be a good friend. A simple text or call once or twice a week is a good place to start. Don’t let Covid-19 be your excuse, you can do a sisters’ check in on zoom. I have been making a concerted effort to text my sisters at least twice a week and I am currently looking for a book to read with my sisters.
Lastly, start building your sisters up. Sisters are not competition. If one of us wins, all of us wins. Being supportive and encouraging is a necessary quality in sisterhood. Fixing a sister’s crown or helping a sister up does not diminish your light or place. Sisters should be allies not enemies.

Sisterhood is necessary in a woman’s life. Sisters help us be unaverage women. Start today on a journey to be a better sister. Build up the women in your life and prioritize your time to connect with your sisters. Life is better with sisters. You are better with sisters.