Clutter consumes our life and can keep us from being productive and being our best. This applies to every woman reading this post. Today we will cover what is clutter, the different types of clutter, and how to become a declutter queen.
What is Clutter?
Clutter is defined by Merriam-Webster’s dictionary as disordered things that impede movement or reduce effectiveness. Clutter is confused, crowded things not only in our closet or space but in your mind and life.
Clutter is a messy unorganized closet. Clutter is a mind that is scattered. Clutter is unaddressed baggage from past relationships. Clutter is any and everything that gets in the way of you being who you want to be or doing what you want to do.
Why is Clutter Important?
Clutter is important because you must address it to learn to live an Un-average life. H.G. Chissell said, “Clutter is a physical manifestation of fear that cripples our ability to grow.”
Mental Clutter, Physical Clutter, Emotional Clutter, and Spiritual Clutter impact your life in a negative way. Learning how to de-clutter is a necessary step in becoming an Un-average Woman.
I wanted to start a blog three years ago and I didn’t. I bought a domain, web hosting, and started making a page. I had topics I wanted to cover that I felt were relevant to woman like me. I never finished the page and my blog did not launch. I renewed my domain every year and sat on my dreams. I postponed my decision for three years due to fear and clutter in my life. Clutter paralyzed me and I was often depressed. I wanted to do more and be more, but I just sat in my clutter and made excuses. Barbara Hemphill describes clutter as nothing more than postponed decisions. Then one day, I decided I had to make some changes because I wasn’t happy with where I was or what I was doing. I felt God wanted me to reach women who lived similar lives as me. I started with decluttering my kitchen – I love to bake, and the kitchen is my happy place. It needed to be clutter free. Now, I am moving on to other places in my home and life and it feels good. My mind is clearer as well as my space. You must get rid of the clutter if you want to live your best life.
How to become a Declutter Queen?
How does one become a declutter queen? The first step is to realize you have some clutter to sort out. Everyone has something in their life that holds them back from being as productive and effective as they were meant to be in life. Admitting that you don’t have it all together is so important. Then, I like to start with physical clutter because it is the easiest one to address. You can see it. As a working mother of four (with three little boys still at home), I have physical clutter. You may not have a lot of physical clutter – you may be the tidiest, most clean person in the world. So, this part may be easy for you. Then move on to the mental and emotional clutter, which will take more time to address. We keep things in our spirit that are detrimental to our self esteem and our relationships with others. What you think about yourself is so vital to being Un-average.
I want to be an Unaverage Woman and I want you to be an Unaverage Woman, too. So, let’s take the First step to the New You – Get Rid of the Clutter that keeps you from being productive in your life. It won’t happen overnight, and it doesn’t have to – if you’re moving forward, you are making progress.
In the upcoming week, I am going to take you on my declutter queen journey and share my bedroom declutter process and give you some tips on how to do the same. Let’s become Declutter Queens together!!