Take Care of Yourself

What do you think of when you hear the words self-care? When was the last time you did something just for you?

As women, we tend to put the needs of others above ourselves. We nurture and care for everyone and forget about doing the same for ourselves. How many times have you been exhausted at the end of your day? How many times have you forgotten to eat because you were so busy? Have you ever had a meltdown and you didn’t know why?

Your self-care tank was low, and you needed to fill it back up. You can’t be the best you, when your self-care levels are on empty. I want to tell you why self-care is important and give you some practical ways to implement it in your life.

So why is self-care important? There are books and books on self-care, and I am not an expert on self-care. However, there are two big reasons why it is important in your journey to become an Unaverage Woman and Learn to be the Best You:

1) Self-care is essential to your wellbeing. You cannot be the best you, if you don’t take care of yourself. If your cup is empty, you will have nothing to give your family, friends, or your job. When was the last time you practiced some self-care? Do you have to reach way back in your memory? Or do you have a set weekly, biweekly, or monthly date with yourself? Most women will say that self-care is not in their top five things they do on a regular basis.

Self-care is more than taking care of your physical needs. When asked for examples, it is typically regulated to a pedicure/manicure or a new hairstyle. Self-care is taking care of your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual needs – every part of you. Taking time out to laugh, cry, read a good book, take a quiet bath, or listen to an empowering podcast are all ways to practice self-care.

Self-care is not a selfish act. Recharging and feeding your soul should be a normal part of life and is nothing to apologize for. You do not have to justify taking a day off, buying a new outfit, or sleeping in late from time to time. These things are a part of a healthy self-love.

2) When you are at your best, all your relationships benefit.

Taking care of yourself and feeling refreshed makes you more productive. You are ready to take on the world, when you feel good about yourself. You can do your job better. You can create and work without being in a fog. You are less likely to be stressed and fatigued.

You are also able to better focus on the needs of others, when your needs are met. Family and friends will tell the difference when you are not running on empty. If you take care of yourself, you will have more to give to the people in your life. It will be easier to have quality time with them.

You are less likely to feel negative in your relationships with others, when your relationship with yourself is positive. You give off what you are – if you are stressed, you will give off stressed. If you are content and at peace, you will give that off as well.

So how does one start to practice self-care better? There are lots of things you can do but I think the easiest way to start is to divide your actions into 3 categories that we will call the ABCs of Self Care:

1) Advocate for Yourself. This is all about making YOU a priority. Schedule Me, Myself, and I time – go on a date with yourself. Listen to your body when it needs rest – go to bed without cleaning up or sleep in late. You must reclaim time for yourself and make sure you are recharging your battery. Stephen Covey says, “Be patient with yourself. Self-growth is tender; it’s holy ground. There’s no greater investment.”

2) Boost Your Self-Esteem Incorporate things into your self-care routine that build you up. There are so many worries and pressures in life, it is imperative to encourage yourself. Read self-empowering books, listen to uplifting music and podcasts, do something creative, and practice affirmations. Wake up and pour positive, inspirational vibes into yourself throughout the day.

3) Calm Your Nerves Find ways to unwind and decompress from your responsibilities and schedule. Relax and chill with a warm bath, take a walk, enjoy the sunset, a relaxing yoga workout, or whatever calms your spirit. Life can be a lot of go; and sometimes you need to just stop and do nothing. I like to create a calming self-care kit – candles, music, photos, a good book. Anything you can do to destress and ward off anxiety should be inserted here.

We wear a lot of hats – wife, mother, student, worker, friend, daughter, sister, cook, teacher, and many more. Juggling the hats is often touted as a gift but can be overwhelming. Self-care is essential for your well-being and is beneficial in your relationships. Start Practicing the ABCs of Self-care today – Advocate for Yourself, Boost Your Self-Esteem, and Calm your Nerves and see what a different it can make as your journey to become an Unaverage Woman.

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